3D Printers | kumarandental



Clinic Location

92.Pensioner street, Palani Road, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India.

3D Printers

  • After  performed an intra-oral scanning on the patient, the dentist sends a digital copy of the scanning to our dental lab. Our technician can start working as soon as the copy of the scanning  arrives.
  • Uses of 3D printing include the production of drill guides for dental implants, the production of physical models for prosthodontics, orthodontics and surgery, the manufacture of dental, craniomaxillofacial and orthopaedic implants, and the fabrication of copings and frameworks for implant and dental restorations.
  • As a part of the digital workflow, 3D-printed models enable a more efficient workflow for us. Also, the method often results in more accurate and faster end-results, beneficial for the patients.
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